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Secondhand Smoke Takes a Major Toll on Americans' Health

Secondhand smoke takes a sizable toll on Americans health and productivity, particularly among ugg australia sale uk black Americans, according to a recent study by researchers at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).

Mining data collected between 2003 and 2006 by large government surveys, the cheap ugg boots uk online researchers calculated that secondhand smoke kills 42,000 Americans each year, including nearly 900 infants. Secondhand smoke is linked to some of the same fatal illnesses caused by smoking, including heart and lung disease, and in babies, low birth weight, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and respiratory distress syndrome.

Overall, the researchers found that yearly deaths from secondhand smoke accounted for about 600,000 years of potential life lost, or an average of 14.2 years per person. The price tag for that lost productivity loss equaled $6.6 billion in total about $158,000 per death. Wendy Max, a professor of health economics at the UCSF School of Nursing and co director of the UCSF Institute for Health Aging. still have a ways to go. These deaths from secondhand smoke tell us that individuals make choices about their smoking behaviors based on themselves, but they need to think about how their smoking impacts others. previous study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also measured the health and economic impacts of secondhand smoking, using data from the California Environmental Protection Agency. The difference between the earlier study and the current one is that the CDC data were based on self reports secondhand smoke exposure; the new study relied on an objective measure, called serum cotinine, to assess evidence uggs on sale of nicotine exposure in the blood.

people may say they not exposed to secondhand smoke, but they forget about the smokey bus ride they took in the morning or when they walked through the park and someone was smoking near them, says Max.

(MORE:Teens and Tobacco Use: Why Declines in cheap ugg boots uk online Youth Have Stalled)

Compared with the CDC study, the UCSF researchers found lower rates of heart disease deaths from secondhand smoke, but higher rates of lung cancer deaths. The differences are to be expectedgiven that more people are giving up smoking, Max says; lung cancer cases may be higher, since it takes longer for the risk of lung cancer to decline after quitting.

The researchers also found that black Americans were disproportionately exposed to secondhand smoke. Black men aged 45 to 64 had the highest rates of secondhand smoke exposure, followed by black men aged 20 to 44; black women aged 20 to 44 also had higher exposure than any other women.

challenging to control what happens at home because we cannot tell people what to do in their homes, but I hope this motivates people to quit on their own, says Dr. Max.

The study was published in the American Journal of Public Health.

PHOTOS:Cigarette Warnings Around the World

Yes, well there is no question that second hand smoke is probably

always going to be an issue. There are places where they know they'll be in a smokyenvironment, and still make the choice to put themselves ugg uk sale in that situation. A .19 increased risk. For perspective airline pilts were told that a .85 increased risk from high altitude exposures to radiation were "so low that they were not worth mentioning". the agreed level of risk at .19 above a perceived and calculated average, that estimates ugg australia sale uk no risk as a starting point at 1 in 10,000. For radiation exposures, risk is measured at 1 in 100,000 which is deemed acceptable risk moving 10 times beyond the normal standard afforded drug products. Increased by by ten times, only as a precautionary buffer.

.19 per 10,000 is 19 per million expossed, but only for those "exposed" at the levels defined in the research cheap ugg boots uk papers, chosen for that meta analysis. ["cherry picked" in the words of one of the few judges to ever examine the evidence] To understand your own personal risk or those of the children described in this article, it is really quite simple, select either; concentration levels or duration as exposure factors, because the three dimensional spectra representative of both would eliminate all hope of promotional concern. Divide .19 by 1000, to reflect directly your exposure in real world averages. we have a product equal to, in worst case evaluations, 19 per billion or rougfhly three times the population of the United States required to be exposed, as you are, in order to establish the first mortality is even possible. Eliminating all medical progress for the next 50 years and all hopes that yoiur own body is not capable of healing or protecting itself. Keep in mind the same people ["The Experts"]have been telling smokers for years that their "risks will decline to those of a never smoker, within a few years of quitting" [only people who smoke can heal]

Hardly the numbers you would think were necessary to promote a ban in central park. However as the Godber Blueprint and Hitler's paid shills at JAMA before that, demonstrated; if there is a political will, there will be a political way.

Wouldn't it be something if, like OJ "searching for the murderer" on golf courses, that the medical community focused on controlling diseases to actually "find the cures" and not so much on controlling the patients, as a modernized move, to make smoking and all things in our environment [the most deadly and voluminous "toxin" and "carcinogen" found in tobacco smoke, is ambient air] even less of a health risk. The billions wasted in zealotry replications, would have served us all to a much larger extent. Just think, how putting the fanatics in their place would have already avoided so much financial insecurity poverty [and crime as a product of poverty], by the trillions we could have saved.

I found this really quite disturbing to read these comments. I do wholeheartedlybelievethere is issuesassociatedwith passive smoke, and this is backed up by many peer reviewed articles, I dobelievethe effect is dependent on the individual themselves, whether it greatly affects on a one of situation, or could take years to affect them. Allergies to second hand smoke can be a quick reaction, but yet it ugg boot sale is one none the less.

I dontnecessarilybelievestatistics reported in any article I comeacross, as I need to see them in full tobelievethem, so I wont take what is written in an article as truth, nor will Ibelievethat correlation implies causation, there could be manynuisancefactors, and these are not discussed.

I have sat in a room with smokers, where my eyes have started to burn and sting, to start after living in the house for a few months, start havingreoccurringlung infections,somethingI was not prone to before. Now it could be said it may have been the house as that was another change, but a few months later, after the people residing there quite smoking, I stayed again, for a few months, with no ill effect. I may have moresensitivelungs, but this has been shown again in a few situations, where I have been quite ill after going out.

I also have afamilymember whom has suffered fromsevereallergies to cigarette smoke, whichultimatelycaused their death notexaggerating, but one breath caused a tailspin ofseverereactions, that in the end caused their death.

What more preposterous from the pro 2nd hand smoke crowd noticed here, is that some people seem to think that the survey is bogus and that you cant just outlaw cigarettes based on 2nd hand smoke tests alone.

While I am for the idea that people should be able to choose for themselves to smoke or not, the smokers in this country make all of our health costs skyrocket. Same as the obese people.

It is SO very fair of all you selfish people to do what ever you want to your bodies and make us, literally pay out of our pockets to keep you alive.