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In the 21st century plastic parts are all around us, from the computer cables that connect us to the world wide web, to the electrical wiring and conduits that wind around our homes and the places we work, to the infinitely numbered plastic parts on the dashboards of our cars. Almost any kind of non-metal part, conduit or piping starts out as a medical grade PVC compound and is made with a mold.

Chemical engineers are able to vary the molecular composition of rigid vinyl composition to create rigid PVC compounds that maintain their shape or flexible PVC that bends around other materials. The uses for plastic really are endless and include home, business, and manufacturing products such as:

Manufacturing - grips, handles, knobs, hoses, tubing, suction cups, grommets, vacuum cleaner parts

Automotive Parts - shifters, gaskets for doors, window and sunroof seals, dashboard molding, trim pieces, wires

Construction Industry - window stripping, seals for windows, exterior trimming pieces

Medical - tubes, flexible tubing, food IVs. Compounds found in medicinal applications are made from medical grade PVC compounds created to maintain sanitary and safe environments.

Electrical - cords, harnesses for wires, boots for battery terminals, covers

Cables & Wiring - appliance wires, telephone/internet cables, automobile cables and wiring

Consciousness for the environment in recent years have spawned the development of phthalate plasticizers free flexible PVC plastics that are more appropriate to utilize in toys and plastic items that come in contact with food.

Plastics Used In Various Applications