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How ugg do I get over my ugg lying ugg cheating money grabbing ex

I was with Marco for 15months and I ugg trusted him 100% until Xmas finding ugg two sets of the same ugg perfume (1 he gave to me) and ugg the same name ugg kept appearing. Then this year we ugg didn't have sex for like 2 months and he wouldn't let me round his house. Anyway ugg I added that name Ernesta on Facebook and ugg eventually found out she was his girlfriend too. But he said to her he loves her and that ugg me and him were ugg just friends even ugg though he kissed me and ugg would tell ugg me he loved me too. He use to also ask me ugg for money and items like iPad etc and I could never say no. He told her I was lying but she says she believes me yet ugg she still said ugg to him she's not breaking up with him but ugg she can ugg ugg never be ugg happy with him again or trust ugg him . I'm so worried ugg she will get back with him and get even more hurt and ugg he will ugg feel like he's won. ugg This man ugg use to tell me he loved me and wanted to marry me and he was ugg waiting for me all his life. But now he is ugg saying it to ugg her. ugg I don't know how ugg to cope with this I never deserved this. Help. somebody ugg out there help :,(

Check ugg out some similar questions!

I have been with my husband for 9 years and ugg have been ugg married for ugg 6 years. We have two ugg boys together. Lets see. We met my ugg senior ugg ugg year in college and I left ugg my boyfriend at ugg that time ugg for my ugg husband. ugg I was a very active person and get along ugg with everyone. My ugg husband was so ugg nice to me and we had so.

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