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There are three reasons why Alien theft of Cannabis is occurring. First, only planet Earth has the vegetative growth necessary for ideal Herb in this Solar System. Why Aliens Are Stealing Weed
Aliens, as in Extra-terrestrial beings, are stealing massive amounts of Marijuana from un-suspecting growers. Next, the relaxation of Pot Laws and proliferation of Medical Marijuana dispensaries, have created a glut of Marijuana all over the U. If we examine a rich, deep-dark, Nitrogen loaded soil like California or Volcanic-rich Hawaii, with natural Rain and Sun balance, nothing else in the Galaxy comes close! Pot Farmers, too embarrassed to tell anyone, and scared of authorities who could arrest them- are caught between a rock and a hard spot. Finally, Alien beings seem to really dig Weed.

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The second stanza is numbered IV-32. George's decoding, this stanza tells a story: Once upon a time, Triton, Pluto, and Charon formed a triple planet system with a distinct orbit around the Sun. Then one day, the aliens came along, grabbed hold of Triton, and pushed it into a retrograde orbit around the planet Neptune.

Despite increasing the public support for the notion that UFO's may have been visiting the Earth since the dawn of the history, the scientific community is overwhelmingly skeptical about the object. The images and drawings on those caves are proactive & controversial. A drawing of Alien makes it hard to understand if it was drawn by the live view, people back in those ages had or if it was merely an imagination of science fiction writers of those times.

Aliens and UFOs have always attracted children and people. Steven Spielberg's epic movie E. UFOs or Unidentified flying objects have been a fascinating feature and been part of childhood fantasies of many people around. There have been many Hollywood movies made with reference to aliens and have been blockbuster hits. T or extra-terrestrial was a landmark movie showing alien and human friendship. UFOs have excelled in creating a vision or enhanced the imagination of people all over the world and made them think if these aliens or ancient astronauts exist in reality or not. There have been many texts that have suggested a possible link to UFOs to ancient religious context, and this subject has time and again intrigued many.

If this passage from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant�s magazine �Dabiq� sounds like something from the Middle Ages, that is because much of it is. The magazine�s name is based off of a location in Syria where, according to some ancient Muslim myths, a final apocalyptic battle will be fought between Muslims and the kuffar, or unbelievers.

This precondition requires us to communicate and interact in order to affect changes in our environment and in our interlocutors: we are forced to transfer and transport information by a variety of means from one point in spacetime to another. This is an extremely chauvinistic supposition. For that matter, why should they have a genetic make-up at all? Is our DNA the most efficient method of propagating data across time? ���� Communication and Interaction
Slaves to our (false) sensation of time, we deny the possibility of simultaneity and require that information travels a finite distance in any given period.

The modern historians totally discard the fiction based theories proposed by Zecharia Sitchin, Erich von Daniken and others. But there are still many people who consider these theories to be partially true, and believe that Anunnaki will return to the earth once again.

Favorite TV shows: Friends, Sex And The City, Modern Family, The Inbetweeners, Breaking Bad. And you're most likely to see an Android owner cruising the streets in a Nissan. Nissan Media
When it comes to entertainment, customers of Apple are pretty mainstream in their tastes. Favorite movies: Home Alone, Love Actually, Frozen, The Tourist, Gravity.

Can you construct such elaborate passageways/chambers from solid rock and highly detailed paintings and carvings and inscriptions in total darkness except for candles/torches without leaving soot behind and ruining your eyesight to boot? Somewhat related is a viable oxygen supply in some of those really deep tombs.

So, what do we actually know about these geometric grids? Ley LinesIn 1921, Alfred Watkins suggested that ancient monuments in Britain fell along lines, coining the term "ley lines. As with most theories proposed on Ancient Aliens , there is no true analysis or counter-argument given. " He suggested that monuments were positioned along these straight lines in order to help ancient humans in traveling long distances.

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