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Our nation is home to one of the most extensive road networks in the world. We enjoy fast and uninhibited travel by personal vehicle from point A to point B. A primary factor in enabling such efficient commuting is our bridges. Just consider how often the average commuter passes over a bridge in any given day. Such bridges may be large steel giants or they may be smaller spans used for going over a creek or ditch.

A lot can go into building a modern bridge. An extensive amount of time and attention to detail is spent on specs. Many resources, human and material, are used in the actual construction but, bridge work doesn't end there. Bridges require regular inspection and maintenance to ensure safety. Bridge analysis guidelines mandate bridge inspections every two years. The sheer number of bridges makes this formidable undertaking.

Inspection teams survey a bridge's condition. They can spot signs of corrosion and overall structural integrity. A bridge inspection often involves an array of bridge analysis devices as well as a surveying vehicle.

Thanks to regular bridge analysis United States bridges are being maintained more efficiently. That sort of code compliant analysis means a safer drive for everyone.

Harcon Corp