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A record label absorbed into "Hometown Records".


"Introducing Memorandom" - Memorandom - (PA System Records - FACASS 001) - 1991

"Rosewood Memories" - Memorandom - (PA System Records - FACASS 002) - 1992

"Live at the Rec" - Stealing Food- (PA System Records - PACASS 001) - 1993

"Passing Time" - Memorandom - (PA System Records - Facass 003) - 1995

"The Letter" -Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System Video Productions 01) - 1995

"Behind The le."-Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System Video Productions 02) - 1995

"Coffie Break" -Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System Video / Cerubes 03) - 1996

                     Arek Chamski
                     Brad Rose

"55+ Center" -Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System Video / Cerubes 04) - 1996

                     Arek Chamski
                     Brad Rose

"Downside to..."-Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System Video Productions 05) - 1996

                     Arek Chamski

"Sunday Night 8"-Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System Video Productions 06) - 1996

                Music by : Memorandom 

"Inside Mem..." -Dir: Kalvin Preena - (PA System Video / KGB Video 07) - 1996

                Music by : Memorandom

"Meathead Reco."-Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System / Meathead Records 08) - 1996

                     Arek Chamski
                Music by : Headcramp
                           The Dinks

"Counselling.." -Dir: Paul Cherwonick - (PA System Video Productions 09) - 1996