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In the 21st century plastic parts are all around us, from the computer cabling that connects us to the internet, to the conduits and wiring that wind around our houses and the places we work, to the infinitely numbered plastic pieces on the consoles of our vehicles. Almost every kind of non-metal piece, pipe or conduit begins as a rigid PVC compound and is made with a mold.

Plastic specialists are able to vary the molecular composition of semi-rigid vinyl composition to create rigid PVC compounds that maintain their shape or flexible PVC that wraps around other objects. The applications for plastic are varied and infinite and reach across residential, commercial and industrial products including:

Manufacturing - grips, handles, knobs, hoses, tubing, suction cups, grommets, vacuum cleaner parts

Automotive Parts - shifters, gaskets for doors, seals for windows or sun roofs, console molding, trim pieces, wires

Construction Industry - weather stripping, seals for windows, outside trim

Medicine - tubing, flexible tubing, food IVs. Compounds used in the medical field are made from medical grade PVC plastics developed to provide safe and sanitary environments.

Electrical - power supply cording, harnesses for wires, boots for battery terminals, shields

Wires & Cabling - appliance wiring, telephone/internet cabling, automotive cables and wires

Environmental concerns in recent years have spawned the development of esters of phthalic acid free flexible polyvinyl chloride compounds that are safer for use in toys and vinyl compounds involved in food processing.

Information Regarding PVC