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The U.S. is home to one of the most large-scale roadway networks in the world. Residents benefit from fast and uninhibited travel by personal vehicle from journey's beginning to end. A primary factor in facilitating such efficient commuting is our bridges. Consider how often the average driver passes over a bridge in any given day. These bridges may be large steel goliaths or they may be smaller spans used for going over a ditch or stream.

A lot can go into erecting a modern bridge. An extensive amount of time and attention to detail is spent on planning. Many resources, human and material, are used in the actual construction but, bridge work doesn't end there. Bridges require periodic analyzing and maintenance to safeguard against hazards. National Bridge Inspection Standards call for bridge inspections every other year. The sheer number of bridges makes this formidable undertaking.

Inspectors analyze a bridge's condition. They can spot small issues and design flaws. An NBIS inspector will often carry a variety of surveying equipment and including an inspection vehicle.

Thanks to routine NBIS bridge analysis US bridges are being attended to more efficiently. That sort of regulated bridge maintenance means a safer drive for everyone.

nbis inspections